Defining success in your own terms, being your own persons, life lessons, paths to success

Defining Success

Success is like an ocean – of unfathomable depth

We see everyone else and we get swept,

By the waves ever so easily, but little do we know,

That life is fleeting 

If there’s one thing that’s debated all the time.. it’s got to be “What does success mean?” I  💯 agree with Garyvee when he defines success as “to do what you want and be happy” – it really is as simple as that! 

Of course it’s a given that how we define success can differ based on our experiences ..and can continue to evolve (or quite the opposite) as we embrace all that life throws at us. 

The real trouble starts the moment we compare our measure and quantum of success with others’. It’s the ugly truth of being a part of society that’s often held back by different kinds of shackles. 

How can we keep the noise out, not get overwhelmed but be cognisant enough to get inspired instead? – By Defining Success in your own terms, of course!

Experiments lead to Experiences that lead to magic

Being afraid of making mistakes or failing has stopped many a creative or scientist in their tracks. In today’s so called ‘competitive’ world it takes more courage to be our authentic selves than to be the same as everyone else! 

Experimenting, whether it is with a new strategy for your business or a new hobby – not expecting immediate gratification can lead to beautiful outcomes. Taking (calculated) risks often lead to experiences you can learn from and look back on with pride. 

I have experimented with my career in such a way where I have given myself the opportunity to test my skills across a breadth of functions rather than climbing the ceremonious ladder in the same field/role. This allows me to remain passionate, bring in fresh perspectives as well as learn but what I also realized is – this is what makes me the happiest! And so I continue to broaden my portfolio despite all the advice I received that were along the lines of “develop your brand” “stay in a company for 5+ years” – because I know that’s not me! It might work for someone else, but not me. 

Finding your niche, your corner and nurturing your happy self can easily happen when you open yourself up to experiences. 

Patience and perseverance are heavily underrated 

Sometimes, showing up is enough. Going to gym even to just work out for 15 minutes is better than not working out at all or being virtually available for a loved one is better than not being there for them entirely! Sometimes, when you chip away bit by bit everyday, there is going to be a cumulative effect in the end that is often along the lines of success. Patience and perseverance are two very underrated weapons to success. 

It is about running the marathon, not completing it first! Your timeline need not match someone else’s because your opportunities and environment are obviously not going to be the same. Not giving in to the pressures of the mainstream while keeping pace with your inner self is all that’s needed to make life a tad bit easier. 

Blossom with boundaries 

Being happy is not just a feeling, it is a state of mind. Setting boundaries and honoring them can go a long way in remaining happy. Compartmentalizing the different facets of your life and navigating between them all is a craft few of us can do well. Nevertheless, that is one skill that is worth acquiring as early as you can! 

When you are comfortable with boundaries, you will know that working at the cost of your personal life/health is certainly not worth it, you will know that making memories is more important than checking things off a list dictated by societal norms. You will also know protecting your personal space and mental peace can truly go a long way in leading life in a sustainable way. 

Being healthy is taken for granted until you get really sick – why wait when you can be happy & healthy starting now!  Taking inspiration from one of Phoebe’s songs – 

“It only takes two heart attacks,

To finally make you see – 

One of them won’t do it

But the second will set you free..

Tell all your hate and anger

It’s time to say goodbye”

This article was originally published on LinkedIn, read it here. Want help figuring out, what will truly lead you to success in your professional life? Get in touch with PivotX to know more!

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